Jesuit Identity

Jesuit Identity
The hallmark of Jesuit education is its focus on educating the whole person: mind, body and spirit. In 1980, the Jesuit Secondary Education Association (JSEA) created the Profile of the Graduate at Graduation as a significant standard and guide for achievable outcomes linked to this vision. The profile has five characteristics: Open to Growth, Intellectually Competent, Religious, Loving and Committed to Doing Justice.
Holy Trinity School is a Catholic, co-educational elementary school that is committed to the Jesuit traditions of educational excellence, the service of faith and the promotion of justice.
Therefore, Holy Trinity School (HTS) has developed a guide of achievable outcomes for Jesuit education in the elementary school setting. By addressing four of the five characteristics of Jesuit education (Open to Growth, Loving, Religious, and Committed to Doing Justice) using a broad description, we acknowledge our collaboration with parents (our students’ first teachers) in attaining each attribute in developmentally appropriate ways.
In creating our HTS profile, the faculty under the direction of the principal and pastor, identified tangible attributes and behaviors for the fifth characteristic, Intellectually Competent, which represent grade level benchmarks. These attributes represent what we as teachers intend to develop in our students.