Holy Trinity Catholic School Athletics is a member of the Catholic Youth Organization (CYO), which is part of the Archdiocese of Washington. The team sports that are offered through CYO at Holy Trinity are:
The Athletic Program strives to compete at all levels of competition provided by the CYO and to choose the appropriate teams necessary to compete as representatives of Holy Trinity School and Holy Trinity Catholic Church.
Participant Eligibility
While specific CYO rules apply for each sport, the following are eligible to participate in the HTS Athletics Program:
• HTS Students
• Holy Trinity Church parishioners
Program Coordinators

Athletic Director: Lindsey Greene |
We can never have enough volunteers! All of our coaches are volunteers and come to us from the parish bulletin, parent body, or word of mouth. We are extremely grateful for all our volunteers and never seem to run out of ways for people to help!
The Athletic Program at Holy Trinity is an established school organization. It is coordinated and supported by the following individuals:
Athletic Program at Holy Trinity Athletic Director
Athletic Program at Holy Trinity Assistant Athletic Director
Holy Trinity School HSA Representative
Athletic Program at Holy Trinity Coaches
Parents/Guardians of children currently participating in the Athletic Program at Holy Trinity programs and activities
Persons assisting and supporting the Athletic Program at Holy Trinity through volunteer service
HTS 2024-2025 Team Store - Open 8/21/2024 to 9/04/2024

Team Selections
The HTS Athletics Program believes that every child has the right to play. The Program will place a child with the team that best suits that individual’s growth. Depending on the sport and grade level, groups of athletes will be evaluated individually by the coaches and outside assessors. In keeping with CYO rules, teams will be divided to match the league’s prescribed criteria.
In Mid-Atlantic competition, as well as tournament teams, the CYO suggests that the teams be divided by skills to match the prescribed league. In non-tournament and instructional leagues, it is suggested that teams be evenly distributed.
It is the responsibility of the Athletic Director to decide how the players will be selected for each team. It is the responsibility of the parents to find out how the teams will be divided before the teams are selected. The Athletic Director holds a meeting before the beginning of each season to explain how teams are divided and to address all questions that parents or guardians may have.