Family Support
The HSA provides a caring outreach to school families experiencing a life event, such as births or deaths in the family. Mass cards and assistance are provided when a school family experiences an illness or death in the family or otherwise is in need. This is in addition to the family support that happens at the class level, which is often coordinated through the room parents. Any needs should be directed to HTS parent Anne Paterno, who coordinates the HSA’s family support effort.
McKenna Sandwiches
Each Wednesday, all students are encouraged to bring in an extra sandwich for Martha’s Table to feed the area needy. In addition to the weekly sandwich contribution from all students, individual classes are periodically assigned a specific Wednesday to work as a class making sandwiches. On those assigned Wednesday, students will be asked to bring in the materials needed for making the sandwiches. These sandwiches are collected by an HSA committee member and driven to Martha’s Table for distribution.
New Parent Orientation
HSA partners with the school to help orient new parents to the HTS community. Beginning with the New Parent Cocktail Party in the spring, the HSA is committed to welcoming its newest members. The HSA Coffees are held informally approximately once a month on the school’s front sidewalk. Please stop by after drop-off for coffee and fellowship with other parents and guest teachers. Volunteers are needed to pickup and setup the monthly coffee. Our goal is to have at least one volunteer each month.
Parent and Teacher Coffees
The HSA Coffees are held informally once a month on the school’s front sidewalk. Please stop by after drop off for coffee and fellowship with other parents and guest teachers. Volunteers are needed to pickup and setup the monthly coffee. Our goal is to have at least one volunteer each month.
Room Parents
Room Parents are an important part of the HTS community. Room Parents offer needed support to the teachers and communicate information from the teachers, school, and Home School Association to the parents. Responsibilities of Room Parents include:
School Boosters for Art, Music, and Sports
Our Arts, Music and Sports Boosters help support all the outstanding work of the staff at HTS in art, music, and sports. You will provide needed horsepower that allows HTS to offer great events, such as Night of the Arts and Sports Night, as well as supporting the school’s involvement with CYO sports.
Social Justice
The Social Justice committee is a vibrant group that strives to develop service projects that the whole family can join in. Opportunities, occurring throughout the year, include Christmas Giving Tree, Walk for the Homeless Mini Walk for the Homeless, Thanksgiving Food Drive, Family Support and McKenna Sandwiches.
All members of the HTS community are welcome to join the Social Justice committee.
Diversity Liaison
The HSA is committed to supporting and promoting the HTS Diversity and Equity Initiative and the HTS Diversity Committee.
Sunday Suppers
HTS families, faculty and staff participate in the Holy Trinity Parish’s Sunday dinners for the needy in our community. Starting in September and continuing monthly throughout the school year, upper school families will cook and help serve meals to 60+ adults who are in need. Sign-up information to be provided through the upper school classes.
Teacher Appreciation
Throughout the year, the HSA sponsors various activities to demonstrate appreciation for the HTS staff, including monthly efforts to stock the staff lounges.
Uniform Exchange
Uniform Exchange is a voluntary program whereby members of the HTS community donate clean, gently used uniforms, which are made available to members of the HTS community in McKenna C or other designated location. Dates are published in the school calendar and the Tuesday newsletter, but it generally runs during the first week of school and about three to four times per year thereafter. Shirts, skirts, jumpers, pants, sweatshirts, and PE apparel are available in various sizes. This is a great volunteer opportunity for parents who only have short amounts of time to stop by and fold during the week of each exchange.