Uniforms and Carpool

Uniforms and Carpool

Holy Trinity School Uniform Policy
At Holy Trinity School, we believe that a school uniform contributes to a positive learning environment. Our uniform policy reflects the values of our Catholic faith, promotes a sense of unity, and fosters an atmosphere conducive to academic excellence. We appreciate the cooperation of parents, students, and staff in adhering to the following guidelines.
General Guidelines:
Uniforms: Students in grades 1-8 are required to wear the official school uniform. Uniforms must be clean, well-maintained, and properly fitting.
Children in Pre-K and Kindergarten are not required to wear uniforms; however, it is important that our youngest students arrive dressed to play and learn, indoors and outdoors.
Exceptions to the uniform policy may be made for students’ religious beliefs.
Footwear: Closed-toe shoes are required for all students. As an alternative to dress shoes, students may wear sneakers on dress uniform days, but they must be either black or white with minimal stripes or color.
Outerwear: Students may wear weather-appropriate outerwear while outdoors, but it should be removed inside. Only HTS-branded sweatshirts or navy sweatshirts with no logos may be worn. Hats and sweatshirt hoods are considered outerwear and should not be worn in the building.
Hair: Hair should be kept neat and away from the eyes. Colors that are not natural to hair (e.g. purple, turquoise, and pink) are not permitted.
Accessories: Tattoos, henna, and acrylic nail extensions are not permitted. Jewelry that creates a safety hazard, such as jewelry with sharp edges or large hoop earrings, is not permitted. Students may not wear smartwatches, but fitness trackers are permitted. Students may not wear makeup to school.
Specific Guidelines for Boys:
Shirts: On dress uniform days, students must wear HTS polo shirts or turtlenecks (see approved vendors below). Tucked-in shirts are required when wearing a dress uniform for students in grades 2-8. Students are encouraged to wear their house shirts on Fridays. House shirts may be worn untucked.
Sweatshirts/sweaters: Students may wear HTS-branded sweatshirts/sweaters or navy blue sweatshirts/sweaters with no logos over school uniform shirts.
Pants/shorts: Khaki pants or shorts must be worn on dress uniform days. Shorts should be no shorter than 3” above the knee.
Specific Guidelines for Girls:
Shirts: On dress uniform days, students must wear HTS polo shirts, turtlenecks, or Peter Pan collar blouses (see approved vendors below). Tucked-in shirts are required when wearing a dress uniform for students in grades 2-8. Students are encouraged to wear their house shirts on Fridays. House shirts may be worn untucked.
Sweatshirts/sweaters: Students may wear HTS-branded sweatshirts/sweaters or navy blue sweatshirts/sweaters with no logos over school uniform shirts.
Skirts/jumpers/pants/shorts: Blue plaid skirts, blue plaid jumpers, khaki pants, or shorts must be worn on dress uniform days. Skirts, jumpers, and shorts should be no shorter than 3” above the knee. Navy or black tights or leggings may be worn under skirts. In cold weather, students may wear sweatpants during recess, following the rules for outerwear.
Physical Education (PE) Days:
PE Uniform: On designated PE days, students are required to wear the school-approved PE uniform. All PE shirts must be HTS branded. PE shorts and pants must be HTS branded or solid navy with no other insignia, logos, or stripes. Inseams on shorts must be 4” or longer.
Athletic Shoes: Athletic shoes suitable for physical activity are required on PE days. There are no color restrictions for shoes on PE days.
Uniform Resources:
Our approved uniform vendors are Lands’ End and FlynnO’Hara. For information about measuring your child, see this video from FlynnO’Hara.
Uniform Exchange:
HTS operates a uniform exchange program, allowing HTS families to swap uniforms they no longer need for the correct sizes. The donated clothing is then made available in McKenna C for other members of the HTS community to use. You can find the dates for the Uniform Exchange in the Tuesday newsletter and on the main calendar page.
Teachers and staff will monitor and enforce the expectations outlined in our uniform policy. Students not in compliance will be asked to rectify any discrepancy—e.g. a non-uniform sweatshirt will be removed. If a student is unable to come into compliance, parents will be asked to come to the school to fix the uniform or take the student home. Repeated uniform offenses will be subject to appropriate disciplinary consequences. The administrative team reserves the right to determine appropriate uniform appearance when any question arises.
We appreciate the cooperation of our teachers, parents, and students in upholding the HTS Uniform Policy, as it contributes to a positive school community.
Carpool Procedures

HTS strives to make Drop-off and Pick-up safe and orderly. We subdivide these procedures to allow for multiple approach routes to keep traffic moving while getting all students into and out of the building safely. We encourage carpooling and are happy to provide you with a list of other families who reside in the same zip code.
Arrival and Drop-off
PreK and Kindergarten students must be accompanied to/ dropped off in front of the Lower School, where a faculty member will be waiting from 7:55am to escort them to the classroom. There is also an optional early care drop in from 7:30-7:55 for $5/ day.
All students in grades 1-4 may be dropped off on 36th Street in front of Lower School after 7:30am to join their classmates in the courtyard. After 7:55am, students will head directly to their classrooms.
All students in grades 5-8 should be dropped off on 36th Street in front of the Upper School. Please use “P” Street to approach 36th Street so you don’t cut the line by coming up “O” Street. Students either gather in the cafeteria or Trinity Hall, or go straight to their homeroom if arriving after 8am.
There should be no parking on 36th Street during the busy drop-off window and all drivers should double-check for pedestrians of all sizes as they pull up and depart.
Carpools A, B, C and Walkers
The three carpool groups are distinguished by the youngest student in each carpool and each group has distinct approach routes. Please note “N” Street will be one-way from 2:55-3:15pm each school day.
Carpool A
All carpools that include only Upper School students (5th-8th) will:
Come west through “P” Street only
Turn left on 36th Street (and stay close to parked cars on left so non-HTS traffic can still get by)
Continue to the front of the Upper School for pickup
Carpool B
All carpools that include any Early Childhood students (pre-kindergarten and kindergarten) will:
Come west through “O” Street from 35th Street
Turn left on 36th Street
Turn left again onto “N” Street, hugging the left side of “N” Street for pickup
Carpool C
All carpools that include Lower School students (1st-4th without siblings in Pre-K or K), including mixed carpools of students in grades 1-8, will:
Come west through Prospect Street from 35th Street all the way to 37th Street
Turn right on 37th Street
Turn right again onto “N” Street, hugging the right side of “N” Street for pickup after crossing 36th Street
Upper School walkers exit the building through the O Street Trinity Hall doors. Parents of walkers can meet their students there.
Guidelines for Parents
Teachers, staff and parents need to help put students into cars. Students may not leave the curb unless escorted by an adult.
Parents may not leave their cars unattended while in the carpool line.
Parents may not use cell phones in the carpool line unless the car’s engine is off.
Cars must be in the carpool line; parents may not park across the street and ask their student(s) to come to the car. If parents do not wish to be part of the carpool line, they must park elsewhere and walk to meet their student(s).
Save Time, Save Gas
Fine tune your arrival for the 3:05-3:10pm window (when the lines have usually dissipated) so that you can roll up, load up and roll out quickly.