The Holy Trinity After School Program, for students in PreK-8th grade, is dedicated to providing educational assistance while developing positive relationships in a safe, supportive and fun environment.
After School @ $6.50/hour + $2.00 snack fee
Q1: 40 days
3-4: $273 + $80 (snack) = $353
3-5: $533 + $80 (snack) = $613
3-6: $793 + $80 (snack = $873
Q2: 44 days
3-4: $299 + $88 (snack) = $387
3-5: $585 + $88 (snack) = $673
3-6: $871 + $88 (snack) = $959
Q3: 43 days
3-4: $318.50 + $86 (snack) = $404.50
3-5: $598 + $86 (snack) = $684
3-6: $877.50 + $86 (snack) = $963.50
Q4: 42 days
3-4: $286 + $84 (snack) = $370
3-5: $559 + $84 (snack) = $643
3-6: $832 + $84 (snack) = $916
Full Year
3-4: $1514.50
3-5: $2613.00
3-6: $3711.50
Monthly Payments (October – May)
3:00 – 4:00 pm $189.31
3:00 – 5:00 pm $326.63
3:00 – 6:00 pm $463.94
To register for Clubs, please visit our Clubs & Activities page.
Program Information
The HTS After School Program is staffed by HTS teachers and paraprofessionals and is open on school days from the end of the school day to 6 pm, except on days preceding school breaks, Labor Day, and Memorial Day.
Students sign up for After School on either a yearly or quarterly basis. Yearly commitments may be paid in full at the beginning of the school year or on a monthly basis. Quarterly commitments are due in full at the beginning of each quarter.
A fee of $3.00 per minute per child is assessed for children remaining in the After School Program after 6 pm. Parents may drop in their child(ren) for a fee of $25 per child per day.
What is After School?
The HTS After School Program is a PLAY GROUP. Students interact with each other in an unstructured way: playing outside, playing cards and board games, writing, drawing, reading, etc. Outside play is also an integral part of our After School day.
The HTS After School Program is a HOMEWORK CLUB. Students in grades 1-8 participate in age-appropriate homework rooms. Our homework rooms are designed to provide a quiet, calm environment for students to work.
The HTS After School Program is a HOME for CLUBS. HTS offers numerous After School Clubs in theater arts, music, debate, art, sports, etc. Clubs are optional and an additional fee is involved.
After School Clubs
The HTS After School Program offers a variety of clubs sponsored by both our faculty and outside organizations. Details and registration for clubs is shared through the Tuesday Newsletter.