Health Office

Health Office Policies
A child must be fever-free (without taking Tylenol or other fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.
Please keep your child at home for 24 hours after the last episode of diarrhea or vomiting due to illness.
Parents are expected to call if their child has: head lice, ringworm, strep, scarlet fever, pin worms, mononucleosis, impetigo, or any other contagious disease. A note will then be sent home to the child’s class alerting parents.
Hospitalization/ER visit: When a student is hospitalized or is seen in the ER and returns to school requiring additional support at school this information (report, physician orders/plans, medications, etc.) should be communicated directly to the health coordinator.
Required Health Forms
All students attending school in the District of Columbia must comply with DC Health requirements regardless of students’ state of residence. Every student must submit a District of Columbia Universal Health Certificate and a District of Columbia Oral Health Assessment Form at the beginning of the school year. We will not use documents that were submitted during the previous school year.
Every student requires an annual physical. The District of Columbia Health Certificate should be completed and signed by a physician or advance practice nurse. This means that your child must have a physical every year within 365 days of the last one and must be current prior to the first day of class.
All students attending school in the District of Columbia must present proof of appropriately spaced immunizations by the first day of school. Every student should have the District Of Columbia Oral Health Assessment Form completed and signed by their dental provider
A vaccine for Human Papilloma virus (HPV) is required by DC law for any student in grades 6, 7 and 8. DC law allows a parent/guardian to opt-out of this vaccine by signing a form approved by the DC Department of Health. A new opt-out form must be signed and submitted to the school at the beginning of each school year for those students making use of this option.
We suggest that you take the proper forms with you to your child’s appointment no matter when the appointment is during the year. Please retain a copy of all medical and dental forms for your records.
Required Health Forms
Form 4 – DC Immunization Acknowledgment (for grades PreK-5th)
Form 5 – DC & HPV Immunization Acknowledgment (for 6, 7 and 8th grades only)