Utilizes capitalization, punctuation, and correct spelling patterns.
Grasps and applies a grade-level understanding of mathematical and scientific concepts through investigation, classification, and discovery.
Listens and follows directions.
Can relate personal actions to the HTS Honor Code.
3rd grade
A Holy Trinity 3rd-grade student:
Conveys attention to rules, fair play, and how things work.
Is learning to manage more challenging and complex tasks independently.
Enjoys socializing, knows how to be a good friend to others, and problem-solves conflicts with peers with greater independence.
Is beginning to read independently for knowledge and pleasure.
Is developing content area vocabulary through definition, discussion, application, and explanation.
Is mastering cursive.
Copies notes from the board.
Takes pride in the details of their work and especially a final draft.
Solves math problems by demonstrating mastery of addition and subtraction.
Is memorizing and beginning to apply multiplication facts.
Conceptualizes measurement, distinguishes geometric patterns, and demonstrates regrouping using manipulatives.
4th grade
A Holy Trinity 4th-grade student:
Reads fluently for information and entertainment.
Utilizes multiple sources to attain knowledge: books, media, and personal experience.
Explores, interprets, and creates multi-paragraph essays, responses, reflections, and poetry with greater finesse. Writing shows structure and includes descriptive vocabulary.
Investigates standard algorithms and solves grade-level appropriate word problems.
Identifies patterns as a tool for thinking.
Identifies similarities and differences.
Embraces diversity.
Is eager to explore other cultures, environments, and ideas.
Seeks further independence.
Demonstrates a deeper understanding of the world.
Speaks publicly with clarity and confidence.
Listens actively and respectfully to others.
5th grade
A Holy Trinity 5th-grade student:
Reads fluently for pleasure and understanding.
Recognizes main ideas, draws inferences, and makes connections in text across the curriculum.
Utilizes a well-developed vocabulary.
Can reflect on and revise ideas and written work.
Embraces a challenge.
Is acquiring logic, number sense, and scientific inquiry.
Demonstrates progressive deductive reasoning.
Is learning effective communication skills.
Utilizes strategies to learn and manage new concepts.
Employs technology for reading, writing, and presentations across the curriculum.
Is developing collaborative and conversational learning skills (recognizing the “other” as both a learning resource and a responsibility).
Respectfully challenges authority.
6th grade
A Holy Trinity 6th-grade student:
Utilizes research skills, includes footnotes, and properly identifies works cited.
Implements time management skills for long-term assignments.
Paraphrases information and elaborates on instruction through projects and presentations.
Works well independently and in collaborative groups.
Takes greater responsibility for their learning.
Advocates for themself as a questioner.
Reasons and role plays.
Assimilates historical information and enjoys reading biographies.
Discusses current events.
Explores math in a real-world context.
Solves complicated word problems.
Deciphers patterns in the data.
Makes predictions and conclusions based on data.
Employs calculators, computers, and other technology to solve real word problems, puzzles, and brainteasers.
7th grade
A Holy Trinity 7th-grade student:
Reads for sound and sense.
Identifies tone, mood, and point of view in narratives, plays, or poetry.
Interprets meaning from text.
Justifies their view with evidence and reflection.
Is developing sophistication of syntax (through diagramming and practice).
Is developing writing to learn strategies for “topic discovery” and research across the curriculum.
Utilizes strategies to learn, organize, and manage new concepts.
Expresses quantitative relationships using algebraic thinking.
Computes using decimals, fractions, and percents.
Solves geometric problems by constructing shapes and identifying attributes of shapes.
Accesses mathematical reasoning to enhance scientific investigation and understanding of the natural world through investigation, experience, and reflection.
Proposes solutions to practical problems by employing scientific methodologies, peer conferencing, and cross-curriculum collaborative learning.
8th grade
A Holy Trinity 8th-grade student:
Has the organizational and study skills that lead to further academic success.
Models a disposition of intellectual inquiry and a love of learning.
Is academically equipped for high school.
Demonstrates logic, critical thinking, and an aesthetic appreciation for art, music, and classic and contemporary literature.
Applies skills and has an understanding of the appropriate use of technology.
Demonstrates effective communication in presentation and written work.
Displays increased abstract reasoning.
Identifies cause and effect in relationships.
Compares and contrasts people, ideas, and circumstances.
Uses an analytical method of problem-solving.
Gathers and organizes data.
Looks for patterns and problems in data.
Makes conjectures and predictions based on data and evidence.
Integrates and applies knowledge across the curriculum.
Responds well to diversity and challenge.
Accepts guidance and criticism with a positive desire for improvement.